Curt:  The fix worked and I rebuilt with no issues after the update.



Curt, WE7U wrote:
On Fri, 12 Jan 2007, Curt, WE7U wrote:

After this bit of code we look for the include and lib files we
need.  The problem is that we already did the AC_DEFINE() for
HAVE_GRAPHICSMAGICK before the tests.  The ImageMagick section may
be similar.

Fixed both sections.  The fixes have made it to anonCVS already.
The changes were to the file "acinclude.m4".

Those people with the GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick compile problem:
Please do a "cvs update" at your earliest opportunity, run configure
again, then retry the compile.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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