I'm about to embark on a bit of mapserver work, and this is likely as good a time as any to learn how to tile in gdal.


Curt Mills wrote:
On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Steve Dimse wrote:

Just to prove the point that it would not be easier, here is the toporama

I can understand much of it, but the math is sure thugly!  We could
toss the DBI stuff 'cuz we don't do it by callsign, but the rest
would be necessary.

That math is about as ugly as the USGS DRG code which does basically
the same thing:  Contiguous maps.  That was a major pain to write
but was what got me contributing to the Xastir project.  Hopefully
you had an easier time of it with the Perl and Toporama, but I
suspect debugging took you a while.

Again, looks like MapServer/WMS would be the way to go in the
future.  Let somebody ELSE do all the map joining...

Gerry Creager -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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