On 3/7/07 10:12 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:
>> On 7 Mar 2007, at 03:28, AC7YY wrote:
>>> I did a new cvs update last night. The icons on the lower right
>>> corner, that
>>> show the active/non-active ports is blank. Is there a new item on a
>>> configuration menu I am missing? Or did I screw something up?
> To answer Kim:  There have been no changes to the interface status
> icons for quite some time.  I'd suspect a change in your Lesstif or
> Motif widget set.  Have you done any updates to the OS lately?

Kim, I had a similar problem using the OpenMotif libraries; while the
FAQ mentions something about other errors (
http://www.xastir.org/faq/index.php?faq=20060913141840345 ) I found that
it was related on my Mac; however the FAQ's suggestion is to set the
LANG to en_US, which mine was already.  When I set LANG=C, however,
those things all cleared up.

Don't know if it's related to your problem, since you only mentioned the
port status icons, whereas in my case the entire status bar was blank :P

Steve Huston - W2SRH - Unix Sysadmin, Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences
  Princeton University  |    ICBM Address: 40.346525   -74.651285
    126 Peyton Hall     |"On my ship, the Rocinante, wheeling through
  Princeton, NJ   08544 | the galaxies; headed for the heart of Cygnus,
    (609) 258-7375      | headlong into mystery."  -Rush, 'Cygnus X-1'
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