Alex Carver wrote:
I was trying to customize some of the dbfawk files the
other day and was having difficulty figuring out why
it didn't work. On my setup, to speed up loading,
I've broken up a lot of the shape files into tiled
sections (I forgot the tool used but it was on the web
page somewhere at one point).
Anyway, if my understanding is correct, Xastir would
need to see a dbfawk file with the same name as each
of the tiles in order to parse the tiles with those
rules? Is there a default dbfawk file somewhere that
it uses for any shape file?
Right now, under /usr/local/share/xasitr/maps I have
Counties/Tiles/ and then a bunch of files generated by
breaking up c_16mr06.* into pieces
(c_16mr06-2-1-0-3-1.* for example).
Hello Alex.
You can get by with one dbfawk file if the dbf fields are the same for each shapefile and
you want each shapefile displayed the same. Sounds like this is what you want. I have
done just that here with a large shapefile I split up. Put the dbfawk file in the
/usr/local/share/xastir/config directory. The name of the file doesn't really matter.
Name it something so you can remember what shapefile set it's for. The important thing is
that the "dbffields" list matches the dbf fields of the shapefile set.
I'm not sure, but I think you have to either restart Xastir or maybe "re-index all
maps" to get it to recognize the new dbfawk file. Tom or Curt will know for sure :)
Hope this helps,
Mike Fenske
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