On Wed, 23 May 2007, Earl Needham via Kubuntu wrote:

>       Ah -- how do I use my Deluo "hockey puck" GPS with Xastir under 
> Kubuntu?  
> I've been using the GPS in Windows XP, but I don't know how to configure the 
> GPS at all under Kubuntu.

Haven't used Kubuntu, specifically, but if the right driver is there it
should show up as something like /dev/cu.usbserial.  The exact name will
depend on the driver and the OS.  Check your /var/log/messages file, just
after you insert the GPS.  You may need to do some digging around for the
right driver...  the Deluo's typically integrate a fairly common Serial to
USB controller. I've been able to use them on other flavors of Linux and
MacOS X. 

This post on slashdot: 


indicates the driver is: 

"USB Prolific 2303 Single Port Serial Driver" in Linux.

If that doesn't give you what you need, I'd probably take the model number
of the specific Deluo GPS you have and do a web search using that and "Linux"
or "Kubuntu" for keywords. 

After you get the right device name, with the device plugged in you should be 
able to test whether you're getting data by doing, for example, using
my /dev/cu.usbserial as the name: 

cat /dev/cu.usbserial 

or start up a terminal program like minicom and set it to use

You should, hopefully, start seeing NMEA data from the GPS.  

Quit out of which ever of those you tried, and fire up Xastir.  Go to the
interfaces dialog in Xastir.  Add an interface of type Serial GPS and
use your device name, /dev/cu.usbserial, for example.  GPS Serial configs
are typically 4800baud, 8-n-1. 

Hope this gets you going. 

Dan Brown 

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