"Until Gerry can find the source of the seemingly random changes in background
 color produced by the weather radar script, the best you can do is to edit
 the WMSRadar.geo file to change the TRANSPARENT value.  If it's 0x010101
 then change it to 0x000000 (or vice-versa).  It might fix the map.  You will
 probably have to change it back a day or two later, though."

A workaround for these TRANSPARENT value issues that I usewould be to make
a copy of the WMSRadar.geo file with  whatever TRANSPARENT value that you
need to have to get around this and just select the right map (for what
is happening today :-).

For example, I have a USRadar.geo and a USRadar_black.geo. Original has TRANSPARENT of "0x00000000" and the _black has "0x0FFFFFFFF". By the way,
the issue that prompted me to do this for the USRadar map has not reappeared
in a while...


Kevin (K1KWP)

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