Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007, Ray Wells wrote:

I've just recompiled gdal to include ecw support but I can't figure out
how ecw format maps invoked in xastir?

gdalinfo --formats now reports ecw support so it would seem that part of
proceedings is now up to scratch.

We don't support everything that GDAL can do.  In fact, we don't
support any raster formats via GDAL, and only a few of the vector
formats.  Here's the current list out of xastir/src/gdal.c:

       if (strstr(drv_name,"Shapefile")) {
           fprintf(stderr,"       shp   ESRI Shapefile (via GDAL)\n");
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"NTF")) {
           // Not enabled in Xastir yet
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"SDTS")) {
           fprintf(stderr,"       ddf   Spatial Data Transfer Standard 
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"TIGER")) {
           fprintf(stderr,"       rt1   US Census Bureau TIGER/Line\n");
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"S57")) {
           fprintf(stderr,"       s57   International Hydrographic Organization 
(IHO) S-57\n");
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"MapInfo")) {
           fprintf(stderr,"       tab   MapInfo TAB\n");
           fprintf(stderr,"       mid   MapInfo MID\n");
           fprintf(stderr,"       mif   MapInfo MIF\n");
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"DGN")) {
           fprintf(stderr,"       dgn   MicroStation DGN\n");
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"VRT")) {
           // Not enabled in Xastir yet
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"AVCBin")) {
           // Not enabled in Xastir yet
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"REC")) {
           // Not enabled in Xastir yet
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"Memory")) {
           // Not enabled in Xastir yet
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"GML")) {
           // Not enabled in Xastir yet
       else if (strstr(drv_name,"PostgreSQL")) {
           // Not enabled in Xastir yet

Anything not listed isn't supported either.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

Thanks Curt,

I wasn't aware that not all of GDAL was supported.

Looks like I'll stick to converting from ecw to jpg, which is no great drama, the jpg's are working fine. Just thought I could avoid a step in the process.

Ray vk2tv
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