On Mon, 25 Jun 2007, Jim Tolbert wrote:

>  From a laptop at a ground search incident command, I would like to
> track, and plot the tracks of, up to 20 GPS units on ground searchers.
> It seems from what I have read that the Garmin Rino units with Xastir &
> GPSman will do this.
> I have downloaded Cygwin & Xastir and can successfully run Xastir on my
> Windows XP laptop.  I am NOT a programmer and have done this only by
> following a recipe in the help files.

I wouldn't suggest running Xastir under Cygwin for SAR purposes.
I'd suggest either switching to Linux as the base OS (highest
reliability), or else go with VMWare Player running Linux/Xastir
inside it.  I'm not sure whether the GPSMan stuff will work under
either system though.  I've only used GPSMan under Linux.

>     * Can anyone point me to a recipe for what to do next?  Exactly what
>       hooks how to what, what settings are used in what, how do I make
>       it all work.

Basically you put a Rino on a pole, hook it to Xastir with a serial
cable, set up the other Rino's with a "callsign" that starts with
"APRS", then Xastir will periodically poll the other Rino's for
their positions and download the positions over that serial cable
just like it's downloading GPS Waypoints from any regular Garmin
GPS.  It'll plot them on the Xastir maps.  If you have an APRS
TNC/Radio set up in Xastir as well, you can make it broadcast the
Rino's positions as objects on the APRS frequency as well, so any
APRS users (like perhaps Kenwood TH-D7A SAR people with attached
GPS) will see the positions as well.  The Rino users won't see the
APRS users on their GPS though.  Xastir will see all of them.

>     * Can anyone confirm that this will work?  I think some money is
>       available to purchase the Rinos, but I have to be sure it is going
>       to work.

Talk to Wes.  I think he's the one that wanted the Rino
functionality in Xastir to begin with.  I expect him to weigh in on
this thread shortly.

>     * Does the model of Garmin Rino figure into the distance that the
>       searchers could be from the receiver / Laptop?  Are Rino 110 okay
>       for the searchers?  Should a different unit be used at the laptop?

Those are FRS radios.  Very limited range.  You want GMRS-capable
RINO's, which will give you more range, but probably not the five
miles you're after.  You'll also need a GMRS license.

>     * I am concerned about a single county in Wisconsin.   What is the
>       suggestion for the best source for a topo map of the county to use
>       with this project?

For Xastir you can use USGS DRG topo maps.  Perhaps someone on here
has them for Wisconsin.  I have them for WA.  Look for a USGS DRG
repository in your state, usually a university library or similar.
You should be able to copy the CD's there.

>     * There are not many funds and I think I can have but one trip to
>       the well.  What all should be considered? Must have, should have,
>       nice to have, Lexus version.

For stuff that's in current production and would do what you need,
go for Kenwood TH-D7A(G) handhelds and attach a mapping GPS.  They
won't do digipeating but they'll give you the most capability
otherwise.  Once the Tracker2's are in production I'd go that way
due to the digipeating and capability to create objects on the GPS,
but that'll complicate the wiring as you now have three devices
(including a 2-meter radio), another cable, and a battery to
integrate in.  I don't think I'd go the RINO route.  With APRS (as
opposed to RINO) you'll need at least once ham radio licensee in
order to maintain the control function, but you _don't_ need a ham
radio guy to carry the setup.

Curt, Snohomish County Volunteer SAR, WA.  Also one of the Xastir
developers, and the one that integrated the GPSMan/RINO

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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