On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, Chip G. wrote:

> A couple of notes. Do not fixate on the kill command format used here. I had
> just randomly found that a -4 would at least get it to try and quit (I'm
> assuming that's what the parenthesis mean), no other command would even cause
> a change.

Just for future reference, on Unix/Linux, and therefore should be
the same on MacOSX (Unix under the hood), "kill", which equals "kill
-1" should be the normal kill.  "kill -9" should be the kill no
matter what sort of kill for a process.

> 1. Why are three processes starting every time Xastir runs and what are the
> other processes doing?

Xastir is multi-threaded, so what you are seeing are threads, not
processes.  If you enable the server ports, then you get processes.

Xastir starts it's main process up, then starts two threads for
every interface, a read thread and a write thread.  If you're
running pthreads, you also often get another thread, a supervisory
thread, at the point that threading starts.  For instance, on my
Linux box I get what looks like four processes when I start one
interface.  It's really one process and three threads, one of them
being a supervisory thread.  If I open another interface I'll get
two more threads.

> 2. When the process locks up, how do I get it to quit since KILL and KILLALL
> aren't working?

I'd try "kill -9" on the main (parent) process.  Kill -9 on the
others if they refuse to go down.  "Finishing shot" and all that...

> 3. Why does the latest CVS builds on Xastir lockup after only a couple of
> hours operating?

No idea.  This is with what sort of interface?  Are any "refreshing"
map loads going on?  Can you relate it to a network or TNC
interface, or to internet maps or weather alerts?

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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