On 7/6/07, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 6 Jul 2007, John Ronan wrote:

> > Just curious, is it the general perception that _everything_ listed
> > above that line is needed in order to run, or is it just
> > overachievers (like me) that feel the need to see a positive
> > indication for every option?
> A bit of both methinks.  I think the perception is that if all the
> lines don't say 'yes' then there's something wrong.

II I don't really care, for example, about Festival and GDAL.  With OpenSuse
10.2, however, it really wasn't much extra effort to enter them into the
search in YaST and grab them.  Also, since I am new and still exploring, I
don't really know yet if I will use GeoTiff or some of the others, so the
attitude was to toss them in there so I can see what I can do with them
later.  And yes, I admit there is the perfectionist syndrome guys like me
have that want to see a "yes" on every line.

The hard work for me was setting up the additional software sources in YaST,
which I thought I needed to do anyway in order to get even the bare
essentials (which based on the responses to my message, may not have been
the case?).  Once that was done, it was not much work to just search for
libraries and tell it to install them.

   So what would make this easier?  Another horizontal line to break it

up into more sections?

Something like the listing below is what I'd expect most people to

xastir 1.9.1 has been configured to use the following
options and external libraries:

Building with GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick ........... : GraphicsMagick
Building with ShapeLib ............................. : yes
Building with pcre ................................. : yes
Building with dbfawk ............................... : yes
Building with map caching .......................... : yes
Building with rtree indexing ....................... : yes
Building with AX25 ................................. : no
Building with Festival ............................. : no
Building with GPSMan ............................... : no
Building with libproj .............................. : no
Building with GeoTiff .............................. : no
Building with GDAL/OGR ............................. : no
Building with ErrorPopups (Old Method) ............. : no
Building with libgc (Debug) ........................ : no
Building with profiling (Debug) .................... : no
Building with Linux Standard Base .................. : no


Yes, breaking it up as shown above and documenting that the items above the
1st line are what most people would want would be very useful to newcomers.

It might also be nice to add another line to the first section which
specifies whether wget or libcurl will be compiled in.  If neither
then internet mapping isn't possible:

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