Yes. Can you tell us more about your setup? What OS are you using (and version)? What version of Xastir are you using? What interfaces do you have configured? Are you using a serial (TNC) connection? If so, how is the TNC connected to the computer?

On Jul 25, 2007, at 06:06, Eric Christensen wrote:

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I've noticed some odd behavior from Xastir over the past couple of days. I left it up and running last night and when I went to bed my network lights were happily blinking like crazy as I was attached to the FireNet IS. When I got up this morning Xastir was sitting there with no map and no stations showing on the screen. There was also no activity on the network. It just seemed dead. I had to argue a little with it to make it close down. Has anyone else seen this kind of behavior?

Eric W4OTN

--de Chip (N1MIE) FN41bn

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