On Aug 3, 2007, at 7:22 PM, Jim Tolbert wrote:

OK... I made a really dumb move. I cleaned up and tossed the installation notes. On that was the Administrators password.

Is there anyway to recover it?
Is there anyway to reset it?

OK, this is rough because I'm not much of a linux guy (Solaris is my day job) and I haven't done SuSE at allm but this should be close.

easy way: if you put your user account in the sudoers file, do this:

sudo passwd root

it will ask for your password, then it should ask for a new root password (twice).

Hard way:

boot from a LiveCD, mount the hard drive, edit /etc/shadow as follows: on the line that begins "root:" delete all that garbage (the encrypted password) between the first and second colons. Reboot the system and root will have no password.

If I reload Linux (openSUSE), will that take care of it?

well yeah, but so will buying a new computer. (:


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