Hi all,

Reading more of Bob's APRS documentation and I came across (yet another) interesting thing, that being the mention of displaying the number of hops between users.

Is there anyway to get Xastir to show the number of hops between users on the map?

This obviously (yes/no?) changes for stations connected via APRS-IS network, but I'd guess it still has meaning if you are contacting/in communications with a RF sourced APRS station.

Also, PHG circles - these are not valid for an APRS-IS connected station, right? What should be displayed? Nothing I presume. It should be shown by the symbol you choose?

Finally, (sorry lots of questions) - is it "better" for the APRS network to have more stations connected via APRS-IS than via RF? I guess its better to have more of the same stations connected than lots of different (mobile, stationary, etc...).

Thanks in advance.

Bernard Tyers

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