Lots of good info at


If your shapefile sets come with .prj files, then the .prj file likely defines what the existing coordinate system is and

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -t_srs EPSG:4326 OutputDirectory InputShapefile.shp

will get to where you need to be.


Jim Tolbert wrote:
I have a set of shape files in the local county coordinate system. I have all the equations to convert individual points to long lat, but I am unsure of how to approach a shape file. Arc view apparently happily reads and overlays shape files in the county coordinate system, in the Wisconsin state coordinate system and in Long Lat. Should Arc View be able to output specific layers in various coordinate systems? Can I somehow put the equations for conversion into Xastir?

Any ideas?

Many thanx!............ jt

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