on 8/23/2007 1:19 PM Andrew Rich said the following:
> Gudday
> I found that XASTIR was getting as far as creating the snapshot.xpm file and
> then not proceeding to the png
> It looks like Imagemagick has dropped support by default of the xpm convert
> function.
> Bummer.
> XASTIR warns me too, says "No decode delegate for this image"
> Is there also a chance to save directly into a web server folder ?
> Like /srv/www/htdocs/xastir.jpg ??

Xastir gains the ability to save as JPG or PNG only by
ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick. We produce files in XPM format (X PixMap)
because it's native to X. To produce JPG or PNG, Xastir would need to add a
dependency on libjpg and/or libpng. Not necessarily a light undertaking.

Have you tried compiling ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick from source?

-Lance KJ5O

J. Lance Cotton, KJ5O
Three Step Plan: 1. Take over the world. 2. Get a lot of cookies. 3. Eat the

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