Greg Eigsti wrote:
>>How do I use Findu to see if I am IGating?

The tool mentioned by VE7MKF is a better iGate 'test' than Findu. However if you know you are iGating someone (or think you are) you can look them up in findu and see their raw data. Just change the callsign to the one that you are interested in... Looking at Findu's raw data is a good way to force yourself to learn how to read raw APRS packets ;)

Raw data for my truck

Visual data (map) for my truck

I'm also thinking that Findu is tweaked or at least the data is stale right now. I went out and blasted a packet from my truck to my iGate and Findu does not report it either via its raw or map page. However if I look at the page for my iGate I can see that it saw my iGate gating my truck very recently. Hmmm, anybody have any idea why Findu is stale (or why my brain is on vacation)? ;)

Findu raw data for my truck data for my USAM digi

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So it was just my supposition that Findu was current, and nothing that I was doing wrong. Way cool. Since the RF pollution is so high here, I am trying to lower it some to that low power stations can be heard, or at least stand a chance. As it has been, there was not much chance for the low power stations in this area getting heard. My hope is that once heard and gated here, then the need to repeatedly be digipeated will be lowered.


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