Ooops.  I may have an explanation for my problem.
When I set up my 100 mile filter on the
INET interface, I used rounded LAT/LON numbers,
which put the center of my filter 20 to 30 miles away
from me.  The stations I was missing were within 100
miles of me but maybe not the center of my filter.

Sorry all,

On Aug 24, 2007, at 11:46 PM, Craig Anderson wrote:

On Aug 24, 2007, at 4:56 PM, Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Wed, 22 Aug 2007, Craig Anderson wrote:

Or is it that Xastir marks a site as being from the TNC
because it is first seen by the TNC?

I believe if it is heard by the TNC at all (doesn't have to be
first?) the flag gets set.  Xastir treats RF-heard stations as a
higher priority than INET-heard stations for this, so if both flags
are set I think it assumes it's RF.

Excellent!  That makes sense.

But when I bring up another Xastir on another machine
that is Internet-only I don't see a whole lot of sites that
my TNC Xastir sees (all within my 100 mile filter).  Are
the IGate servers broken?  Or do they hide some of the
digipeaters?  Can't be an Xastir problem can it?  ;-)

You might have some filtering turned on in your INET interface(s).

I have a filter on the INET interface set to limit stations
to within 100 miles.

You might not have global igating and per-interface igating turned

I have both set.

You might not have a passcode entered on the per-interface
properties dialog.

Yes, got one of those.

I watched the "View->Incoming Data" window and saw
my Xastir igate packets from the TNC to
but the data never showed up on, as
viewed in my other Xastir with INET only.

My problem is that there were quite a few stations that
showed up in my xastir with a TNC & INET that did
not show up in my xastir with only an INET interface,
some of them very important digipeaters.  I was trying
to igate them to  All the interface
filters were set to 100 miles and centered on the same
location.  All the missing stations were well within 100 miles.

I would expect that if the server were
working correctly then both of my machines would show the
same objects.  But with maybe 20% of objects consistently
missing from the INET-only machine over a period of 2 days?
I think something's broken.  Am I missing something?

With these missing objects, my TNC machine was not hearing
them directly, it was hearing them through digipeaters.  These
missing machines should not be missing from the server.

Thanks very much for any sanity you can offer,

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