On Dec 7, 2007, at 12:32, Curt, WE7U wrote:

Is there a guide to compiling/installing on OSX? I just bought a Macbook (should have it Monday) and I want to get Xastir running on it. I looked
the Wiki but didn't see anything there.....

Check out the README and INSTALL files in the Xastir distribution.
The information might be a bit dated there, but still might be


Below are the notes I made to help me remember how to install it. I often use Fink (and have used MacPorts) to help install support packages. I have also installed all from scratch. Feel free to contact here or directly if you have questions.

Now I just re-read the quoted text and I see that you purchased a new Macbook. If it is brand new then it will have Leopard installed. Generally this is good, but the X11 (X Windows) that ships with it has some issues. I recommend going to http://xquartz.sourceforge.org and follow the directions to update the X11 and associated libraries and miscellaneous other parts. I have been using it on one machine with good success (the others are still with Tiger). Again, if you have questions feel free to contact direct.

--de Chip (N1MIE) FN41bn

Last updated 7/2007

Installing Xastir on a Mac: (use in concert with the INSTALL doc file which has more detail I don't wish to reproduce here)
        by Chip (N1MIE) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. Install a Motif package (openmotif or lesstif can be installed via Fink) [I found openmotif caused problems on my system (odd menu issues), so I removed and installed lesstif which worked great. You may also need to try it both ways.]

2. Ensure an entry similar to the below is in your '.bashrc' or '.bash_profile' file:

*3. Install libproj (can be installed as 'proj' via Fink)
        Install/update libtiff (can be installed via Fink)
        Install libgeotiff
download and uncompress file (http://www.remotesensing.org/ geotiff/geotiff.html) "./configure" or "./configure --prefix=/sw" (second places files same place as Fink)
                "sudo make"
                "sudo make install"

*4. Install ShapeLib
                download and uncompress file (http://shapelib.maptools.org)
                "cc -c shpopen.c"
                "cc -c shptree.c"
                "cc -c dbfopen.c"
                "ar cru libshp.a shpopen.o shptree.o dbfopen.o"
                "sudo cp libshp.a /sw/lib"
                "sudo ranlib /sw/lib/libshp.a"
                "sudo mkdir /sw/include/libshp"
                "sudo cp shapefil.h /sw/include/libshp/"

*5. Install ImageMagick (can be installed via Fink) [I had problems when I used a pre-6.2 version]

*6. Install wget or curl (normally already present on OS X Macs)

*7. Install gpsman and gpsmanshp (I haven't tried this) [Not available via Fink]

*8. Install Festival (I haven't tried this)

*9. Install GDAL (can be installed via Fink, must be done manually on Intel Macs unless you enable Fink unstable tree)
                download and uncompress file (http://remotesensing.org/gdal/)
"./configure --prefix=/sw --with-local=/sw/lib --with- gif=internal --with-jpeg=internal" (may need to modify if you don't use Fink)
                "sudo make"
                "sudo make install"

*10. Install Berkeley DataBase (can be installed via Fink)

11. Build Xastir (commands need to be executed from within directory where Xastir source resides)
"./configure --with-bdb-libdir=/sw/lib --with-bdb-incdir=/sw/ include/db4" or "./configure --with-bdb-libdir=/sw/lib --with-bdb-incdir=/sw/ include/db4 --prefix=/sw" (latter for use with Fink) You can type "./configure --help" to get a list of all options. Two other good options are "--with-rtree" and "--with-profiling".

* Optional installs

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