If you are in Wisconsin and looking for USGS topo maps for Xastir, you might happen on the Wisconsin DNR website. There they have a repository of Enhanced DRGs. These maps DO NOT display in Xastir ( or at least I was not able to get them to display <grin>). The problem is exacerbated by the fact that they retain the USGS DRG names for the "enhanced" version, BUT THEY ARE DIFFERENT!!!

Another source of free USGS DRGs that DO display properly can be found at www.libremap.org on the Libre Map Project. Xastir loads like a champ.

Later............. jt

Jim Tolbert
RiverRidge Consulting, LLC
PO Box 536
Webster, WI 54893

715-866-4398 home office
715-349-8993 fax


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