Hello all,

I'm seeing what's involved in making the switch from ui-view on an old PC to Xastir on my Mac.

So far so good. I've got Xastir compiled and showing maps from online sources. I've transferred over my Ui-View maps and all is good.

I'll need a serial to usb adaptor for the tnc but I'm not sure about hooking up my Ultimeter weather station.

Right now I've got another PC running Weather Display which outputs a wxnow.txt file every 10 minutes. UI-View picks up this file and uses it to generate my weather broadcast.

Is there a similar function in Xastir?

Since Weather Display generates my weather webserver pages, I'll be keeping it around for the forseeable future.

I could split off another serial connection from the Ultimeter but that would mean hanging another usb to serial adaptor off of my computer which I would rather not do.

Any suggestions?

Steve <steve.jones at rogers.com>

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