On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 19:50 -0600, Jason KG4WSV wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2008 7:00 PM, Brad Douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Then you're doing it wrong. ;-)
> Hey, I'm never wrong.  I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Ditto. ;-)

>          OTOH, there were some issues in the
>         early development of the wx framework.  Those issues are long
>         gone.
> Well, it hasn't been all that long - was during fall semester, so
> since August or so.

That's about the right timeframe for 2.6.  2.8 is much better, IMO.

BTW (from http://www.wxpython.org/builddoc.php):

OS X NOTE: Depending on your version of OS X and Python you may need to
use "pythonw" on the command line to run wxPython applications. This
version of the Python executable is part of the Python Framework and is
allowed to interact with the display. You can also double click on a .py
or a .pyw file from the finder (assuming that the PythonLauncher app is
associated with these file extensions) and it will launch the Framework
version of Python for you. For information about creating Applicaiton
Bundles of your wxPython apps please see the wiki and the mail lists.

SOLARIS NOTE: If you get unresolved symbol errors when importing
wxPython and you are running on Solaris and building with gcc, then you
may be able to work around the problem by uncommenting a bit of code in
config.py and building again. Look for 'SunOS' in config.py and
uncomment the block containing it. The problem is that Sun's ld does not
automatically add libgcc to the link step.

If you are having persistent errors, the wx team would like to hear
about it.  Another solution is to just use Linux on those platforms. =)

> My test is ./configure;make;make install.  IMO that either works,
> tells me what it needs to work, or it's broken.
>         You didn't provide a
>         reasonable argument against the Qt issues I brought up, 
> That's because as far as I can tell, the possibility of Trolltech
> changing their licensing in a way that prevents future use seems no
> more likely than the wx tools falling out of favor and/or the
> developers dropping it.  Maybe those who are more familiar with Qt
> could say.

It's been done before...and they drove a lot of people away by doing so.
wx is here to stay and is being actively and aggressively developed (so
is Qt and it may be easier to rollup Qt into a package).

Like I said before, let's leave this up to Xastir developers to decide
what works best for them.  We've both made good points they can reflect
upon, so let's leave it at that.  If you want to discuss it further, we
should probably take it off the list.

Back to our regularly scheduled Xastir discussions.

73, de Brad KB8UYR/6 <rez touchofmadness com>

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