On Tue, 22 Jan 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008, Rick Green wrote:

I'm running a Peet Ultimeter 500, which seems to output the same data
structures as the ultimeter 2000, but with all the 'missing' sensors
zeroed out.  I wish there was a way I could configure xastir to ignore
some fields, since it's reporting that it never rains here, rather than
simply not reporting rain as it should.  And I don't have a baro sensor,
but it's reporting some strange bogus values...

Talk to us some more about this.  I don't know much about the Peet
series.  We could do something about the above problem.

I'll pull together some data dumps of the U500 datastream, but probably not until tomorrow evening... When I first implemented it, I discovered an off-by-two error in the parsing of, I think, the wind direction(?) I corrected the source locally, recompiled and tested it here, and posted the diff to the list, but I never saw a response that a developer had picked it up and committed the change. Do you remember seeing that, or should I also search my sent-mail to resurrect that one?

I haven't found anything in the code that treats a 'networked' weather
station any differently than a serial-connected one, so I'm guessing
that the 'networked' wx station is simply a serial wx station plugged into
a 'serial server' or a 'terminal server', so that if you were to telnet to
the server port, you'd see the same data stream as if you ran minicom on
the serial-connected wx station.

Nope.  Unfortunately.  In this case it connects to the One Wire
Weather daemon or the wx200d daemon only.

Darn. How difficult would it be to implement? I was looking at the ser2net package running under openwrt on an Asus WL-500gP 'appliance' to better locate my wind and temp sensors. I've found some commercial solutions (B&B Electronics) which include a driver to implement a 'virtual serial port' locally, but that's more $$$ and closed, so I don't want to go there.

Rick Green, N8BJX

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
                                  -Benjamin Franklin

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