I'm terribly sorry if I haven't answered your mail.

As for my imagemagick I'm using
And as for UseHDRI, here's my output:
 $ cat /usr/include/magick/magick-config.h | grep HDRI
#define UseHDRI 1

I'm already rebuilding imagemagick, hope that's the case.

Thank you very much for your answer! ;-)

Kind regards,
Luka :-)

Tom Russo wrote:
> Just looked --- you asked about this before:
> http://lists.xastir.org/pipermail/xastir/2007-September/012826.html
> I'd come up with the same conclusion then and asked you to identify your
> Magick version, but I don't see any response in the archives.

BOFH Excuse #141:

disks spinning backwards - toggle the hemisphere jumper.

Luka Goltnik - S57LX, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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