Well now I am replying to myself as nobody wants to talk to me.. Just
joking.. It probably got caught up in the mail list crash recently. Below is
my original posting 27 Jan..

Ive found that the Cigar shaped thinggy jigs are something of a Gnome issue.

Since that original post I installed KDE and made this Ubuntu install with a
KDE option. Not an entirely uncommon manuver.. Now when I run KDE Xastir LSB
works fine and the Interface menu works fine. Thats how I got Xastir LSB to
actually work and work well I might add.. It seems I could have likely
manually edited the xastir.conf file and it probably would have run ok under
Gnome. After configuring it under KDE and then returning to Gnome it runs
fine but Ive still no access to the Interfaces menu and get stuck with this
mini Cigar symbol which is closable with a right click and select Close
option. The Cigar is about 100mm high so if there is anything in there I
will need a magnifying glass to work it and a surgens hand.

Ive updated the Xastir LSB install to the latest one but it still smokes
Cigars in Gnome with the Interfaces menu. Maybee its a bug in the LSB code.
Not all Menus have this issue. Hope someone has seen this one before.. I am
thinking of installing the Xfce desktop also and trying it on there as well
under Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is all up to date as well so I am now looking back at the LSB Xastir
package as the culprit in Gnome.

The LSB Install is a great option to get Xastir working with the latest
version on many different Flavors of Xastir that dont have really up to date
repositries but do have a LSB packages available. I was also just playing
with PCLinux and the LSB package looks like it would run on there as well..

Tony VK5AH

Original Posting 27 Jan

>Having a fiddle with Ubuntu 7.10 . Ive installed LSB but maybee I need
>other LSB packages but I dont know which ones. Its installed lsb
>lsb-base lsb-core lsb-cxx lsb-desktop lsb-graphics lsb-release so I
>thought that would do it.

>I downloaded the 16 Jan LSB package and UnTarred it to OPT etc.
>It runs fine and seems good till I try to go into the Interfaces menu.
>When I goto the interface control button all I get is a Cigar shaped
>icon on the xastir screen about 10mm high.

>Also noticed that the terminal brings up these errors.
>convert_from_xastir_coordinates:X out-of-range (too low):4263101696
>convert_from_xastir_coordinates:X out-of-range (too high):161465600

>I thought these errors came up when you had not entered your correct
>posit and changed the default 000 000 settings but Ive allready fixed
>this and my posit appears correct on the map.

>Any ideas anyone?

>Tony Hunt VK5AH

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