Specifically, what I've been asked for is the ability to query some sort
of database or server with GPS coordinates and produce both Maidenhead
and County Name. Both are easy to do with PostGIS, and I'm probably
going to write a SOAP service and a web page that'll do it.
William McKeehan wrote:
I have something similar. I have COUNTIES.DBF/SHP/SHX files with a dbfawk like
BEGIN {dbffields="NAME"}
BEGIN_RECORD {key=""; lanes=1; color=254; fill_color=1; name=""; filled=0;
pattern=0; display_level=4096; label_level=1024; label_color=20; font_size=3;
symbol=""; fill_style=2 }
/^NAME=(.*)$/ {name=$1; next}
END {}
I do not remember where I found the counties files, but if you want them, you
can fetch them from my home server:
Gerry Creager -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.862.3982 FAX: 979.862.3983
Office: 1700 Research Parkway Ste 160, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843
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