On Feb 15, 2008, at 23:46, Chip Griffin wrote:


So then I quit and restarted and disabled the KML snapshots. I went to bed and this morning I awoke to find pages of these errors repeated over and over. I see them in the terminal window from which I opened Xastir but not in the console log.

/usr/local/bin/gm convert: Unable to open file (/Users/chip/.xastir/ log/snapshot.png) [No such file or directory]. System call return error: convert: /Users/chip/.xastir/tmp/ snapshot.xpm -> /Users/chip/.xastir/log/snapshot.png
Couldn't open file for appending: /Users/chip/.xastir/tmp

Now that said, I do see the expected snapshot files (.geo, .kml, .png, .xpm) in ~/.xastir/tmp/. So I can't tell if it's throwing errors but still producing the files.

--de Chip (N1MIE) FN41bn

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