Thanks Kevin.  I'll try that when I get home this afternoon.


On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 06:05:11AM -0700, Kevin J. Hogan wrote:
> I had to run my KAM+ with AX25 installed on OS.
> here is my axports file
> # /etc/ax25/axports
> #
> # The format of this file is:
> #
> # name callsign speed paclen window description
> #
> port1   KA5STE          9600    255     2       144.390 MHz (1200  bps)
> port2   KA5STE-15       9600    255     2       10.151 MHz (300 bps)
> Then I do.
> sudo /usr/sbin/mkiss -s 9600 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ptyq0 /dev/ptyq1 
> sudo /usr/sbin/kissattach /dev/ttyq0 port1
> sudo /usr/sbin/kissattach /dev/ttyq1 port2
> Then you can use listen in the ax25 tools to watch your data on that
> port.
> sudo listen -8 -a -c -i -p port1 -r -t
> After you know both ports are working set up 2 AX25 port in XASTIR. 
> One for VHf and other for Hf.
> I have this work on the KAM+ 9612 and KAM XL.
> Good luck
> Kevin
> On Sun, 2008-02-24 at 23:24 -0500, Eric Christensen wrote:
> > Well, just for kicks I put the KAM+ in KISS mode and tried to configure 
> > Xastir to do a multi-port KISS TNC.  Now it transmits on the VHF side 
> > but not the HF side!  I have changed the "radio port" number from 0 to 1 
> > to 2 but haven't been able to get it to switch from the VHF side to the 
> > HF side.  Anyone have any ideas about this one?
> > 
> > Eric W4OTN
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Eric Christensen wrote:
> > > Rick,
> > > It is definitely something to do with Xastir and how it is talking to 
> > > the KAM.  The KAM will properly transmit positions and "relays" when it 
> > > is hard coded in the TNC but the KAM doesn't "understand" when Xastir 
> > > talks to it.
> > > 
> > > The log file I tried to send was blocked so I'll paste portions here:
> > > <QUOTE>
> > > AUTOCR 0
> > > AUTOCR was 0
> > > BEACON was EVERY 0/EVERY 0
> > > BT %
> > > BTEXT was
> > > CMS DISC
> > > CMSG was DISC/DISC
> > > CONL OFF
> > > CT APRS Network no connected messages supported!
> > > CTEXT was APRS Network no connected messages supported!
> > > ECHO OFF
> > > ECHO was ON
> > > FLOW was OFF
> > > HID was OFF/OFF
> > > MSTAMP was OFF
> > > PID was OFF/OFF
> > > 
> > > W4OTN>APX193,WIDE2-2:=/;ci:;.Vox   XASTIR-Linux
> > >     $
> > > EH?
> > > W4OTN>APX193,WIDE2-2:=/;ci:;.Vox   XASTIR-Linux
> > >     $
> > > EH?
> > > </QUOTE>
> > > 
> > > So the KAM takes the commands in the tnc-startup file without any 
> > > problem but it appears that Xastir isn't putting the TNC in conv mode 
> > > before sending the posit.  I say this because the "EH?" response is 
> > > indicative to the KAM not understanding a command.  If the posit is 
> > > being presented as a command and not as "text to transmit" then the KAM 
> > > would respond in this manner.
> > > 
> > > Eric W4OTN
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Rick Green wrote:
> > >> On Sun, 24 Feb 2008, Eric Christensen wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> I thought I had Xastir running on my KAM+ many moons ago but today I 
> > >>> seem to be having a fundamental problem.  I have everything going and 
> > >>> I'm receiving stations but my TNC will not transmit my position (or 
> > >>> anything else that I'm aware of).
> > >>>
> > >>  Have you eliminated hardware problems? Double-checked the cabling 
> > >> between your TNC and the radio?  Is the transmitter keying up, but 
> > >> without audio? Is it not keying at all?  If you unplug the TNC, and 
> > >> plug in the microphone, can you key the transmitter?
> > >>  Try stopping xastir, and bringing up minicom on the serial port where 
> > >> your TNC is connected (using the -o flag, of course).  Will your TNC & 
> > >> radio transmit packets when directly commanded?  Are they successfully 
> > >> decoded by another station?
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