Lemme get off 4 days of spring break and I'll push it your way tomorrow morning.

Sorry for the delay but between honey-do's, allergies, and wanting to make sure it's behaving properly, I want the delay...


Eric Germann wrote:
What's your WMS address for each of these?


Gerry Creager wrote:
I need to look into this and see if I can produce something similar. Ken Waters does these for storm-based warnings. I currently have a WFS that handles this but I don't generate shapes. I can also provide WMS for these.


Eric Germann wrote:
I'm experimenting with the GIS maps from the NWS at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/regsci/gis/shapefiles/

They work, with one caveat: They don't show up in the Map Chooser (even on a map re-scan) if they have 0 shapes in the shape file.

Is there any way, or a pointer to the code to fix it myself and submit a diff back, where this is handled. To get around it, I copied a shape file with polygons over it to the same file, did a rescan so they show up, then put them back after I selected them.

Essentially, in this case, the map chooser should consider a 0 shape shapefile valid. This is a fun one to reproduce because the source files at NWS are changed on a 1 minute basis.

Which leads to second question, does Xastir automatically re-render these when they change or is there something I need to do to make it so.



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