Has anybody got a package for a recent version of xastir for Slackware ? Ive
read this question on here before a while back. I am playing about with the
latest version of Slax 6 which is pretty interesting. I know very little
about Slackware so I am flying a bit blind.

Ive tried to use the LSB package just for the fun of it but it wont run. I
get a error 127 or something. I dont know if Slax 6 is LSB compliant and
frankly I think its not.

I also see that previously some have tried to get Slax going with a version
of Xastir. Did anything come of this ? Ive looked on the xastir binary
downloads page and all the slackware packages are non existant on the links

Ive found a slackware 12 package which is a tar.bz2 file. I cant easily
convert this to a Slackware tar which would let me create a Slax module out
of it perhaps. Or rather I dont know how.

So there is a few thoughts and questions. Any ideas anybody. Have a good
long weekend and be careful on the roads folks..

Tony  Hunt  VK5AH

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