On Mon, 14 Apr 2008, Corby Krick wrote:

> Sorry if this has been asked before -- I did a quick search and didn't seem to
> find what I was looking for.
> My station at home runs APRS via an internet connection. Using Xastir 1.9. My
> position doesn't get gated to RF, though. A friend of mine in the area runs a
> digi and gateway, and said that if I put his station in my path, he'd get it
> to RF. I don't see an option for that anywhere in Xastir though? Is this
> possible? He's a UI-View user, so he's used to a slightly different feature
> set.

Well, "TCPXX" no, "TCPIP", yes.  "TCPXX" means an unauthenticated
user on TCP/IP.  TPCIP means an authenticated user on TCP/IP.

The correct place to mess with gating is in nws-stations.txt.  You
can find references to it in the text docs or the online help from
within Xastir (which is itself a text doc).

As far as your friend gating you to RF, it's not a matter of you
putting his station in your path.  That doesn't work on TCP/IP, only
on RF directly.

> Corby Krick
> K0SKW - Amateur Radio (General)

I see you have a callsign, so you can enter your passcode (generated
from your callsign) on the interface properties dialog for the
TCP/IP interface to get authenticated on TCP/IP.  If you've already
done that, then your buddy would need to put your callsign in as a
"gate-to-rf" station in order for you to be seen on RF.

Normally the only things that get gated to RF are messages and
message acknowledgements (ACK's).  Those get gated to/fro
automatically without having to add callsigns to each gate.

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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