thanks guys.  I've had gpsd in mind, but I have a larger idea I'm
working on, involving multiplexing serial data streams over a single
serial/bluetooth link.  I want to eliminate all cables (multiple TNCs,
DF unit, GPS, etc) in my mobile rig, and being a ham I'm trying to do
it cheaply.  The easy way is to spend $60 per endpoint to purchase one
of these bluetooth/232 devices, but I'm looking for a way that costs
less than $300.

In any event, I suspect that using gpsd or some other port replication
tool will simply shift the problem, not remove it.  I guess restarting
a serial mux daemon is less of a problem than restating xastir, but if
the serial mux daemon hangs in the same way xastir did, I'm still
looking at a reboot.

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