
You need to install the X development packages for your system. These are the headers and other files (libraries) other programs use to compile against X. Not just the binaries you already have installed to run X. If you were to install a precompiled, binary of Xastir - you wouldn't need the development packages. But, since you're compiling from source, the compilers need other information to 'play nice' with your existing system.

You may well run into more development packages that are needed before you get a successful compile.

I don't use Ubuntu and don't know how their package management works, but on Fedora, you'd run (as root or use sudo):
yum groupinstall "X Software Development" <enter>

I'm sure Ubuntu has something similar.
A quick google yields this:
At the least, that should get you on the right track.

73, Tate

Tyler Parsons wrote:
I'm trying to get Xastir-1.9.3 setup on a spare machine and get the
following when I run ./configure:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/xastir-1.9.3$ ./configure


checking for X... no
configure: error: *** No X11!  Install X-Windows development
headers/libraries! ***
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