Yet another Live Linux CD distro with Xastir. Just thought I would let the
group know. Ive put together a Live CD with a recent release of Xastir using
the LSB Binary. Also on there is a recent version of fldigi for HF modes
like PSK31 Rtty and CW etc.
Xastir has a definite slant towards VK maps and VK setup. You can add your
own maps as well. Remastering is relatively simple so you can customise it

Its based on PCLinux 2008 MiniME with 2 desktop options. It should install
to HD but I have not tried as yet. It should also install to USB stick but I
have not been able to get this proved either as yet.

Download the ISO via here and check the MD5 before burning the ISO image

Please keep any comments or queries off these lists and send to

Have fun Tony Hunt VK5AH

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