Following the guide on the docs wiki, I've been unable to view radar images ever since upgrading to Fedora 9.

Tiz the season for 'ugly' weather - I wanted my radar images!

So on a whim, I removed GraphicsMagick-devel, installed ImageMagick-devel - recompiled Xastir and voila!! Online radar images are back again!

Obviously, there's something 'not right' with using GraphicsMagick on Fedora 9. If anyone wants to delve further - hit me up, I'll play. In the meantime - I've got radar again and will 'convert' all my Xastir installs (4 I think).

So, for now, I'll change the HowTo on the wiki to use ImageMagick instead of GraphicsMagick and wait to see what/if anyone finds out what's up.

73 - Tate
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