On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:00 PM, James Jolin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stephen - K1LNX wrote:
>> I'm attempting to compile/install Xastir 1.9.3 on Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit. I
>> installed all the dependencies (the best I can tell anyhow), but I can't
>> seem to get map caching support enabled?
>> xastir 1.9.3 has been configured to use the following
>> options and external libraries:
>>  ShapeLib (Vector maps) ................. : yes
>>  GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick (Raster maps) : yes (ImageMagick)
>>  pcre (Shapefile customization) ......... : yes
>>  dbfawk (Shapefile customization) ....... : yes
>>  rtree indexing (Shapefile speedups) .... : yes
>>  map caching (Raster map speedups) ...... : no
>>  internet map retrieval ................. : yes (libcurl)
>>  AX25 (Linux Kernel I/O Drivers) ........ : yes
>>  libproj (USGS Topos & Aerial Photos) ... : yes
>>  GeoTiff (USGS Topos & Aerial Photos) ... : yes
>>  Festival (Text-to-speech) .............. : yes
>>  GDAL/OGR (Obtuse map formats) .......... : no
>>  GPSMan/gpsmanshp (GPS downloads) ....... : yes
>> xastir will be installed in /usr/local/bin.
>> Type 'make' to build Xastir (Use 'gmake' instead on some systems).
>> Also coudn't get GDAL support compiled in, not too much of a concern as I
>> don't have anything I will be using with it.
>> I also tried enabling map caching support with the following command:
>> ./configure --enable-map-caching=YES
>> Any ideas?
>> tnx
>> Stephen
>> K1LNX
> Stephen,
> Have you installed the Berkley database files?  They are db something or
> other.  You should find them by searching with Snaptic.  You might want to
> use the wiki how-to on the xastir site...it has all the stuff for installing
> for *buntu distros.
> 73, Jim

sudo apt-get install libdb4.6-dev should do it for map caching.

One thing to watch when using the Wiki, which was written for Ubuntu
6.10 and 7.04.  Those versions both used libdb4.4-dev.  Ubuntu 7.10 I
believe used libdb4.5, and now Ubuntu 8.04 uses libdb4.6-dev.  That's
what I tripped on recently when I built the new Xastir pre-built
virtual machine in Xubuntu 8.04.  I didn't catch that 8.04 had moved
up to version 4.6 on the Berkeley DB libraries, so I grabbed
libdb4.5-dev instead of libdb4.6-dev.


Lee - K5DAT
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