On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Steve Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lee Bengston wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Well, compiling looked good with OpenSUSE 11, but I have what appears
>> to be the same unreadable menu issue that has been reported
>> previously.  This is not the slider menu problem with the newer
>> version of openMotif.  Virtually all text is not readable as shown by
>> the screen shot at
>> http://www.175moonlight.com/xastir/screenshot/Xastir-SUSE_11.jpg
>> Regards,
>> Lee - K5DAT
>> Murphy, TX
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> Could this be a font problem? Maybe a missing font? and Linux is trying to
> make a SWAG on what to print? and not doing so good.... I would check
> <Maps>/<Configure>/<Map Labels Font> and compare with the fonts you have
> installed.
The problem is that even if I can figure out where Maps-Configure-Map
Lables Font is in the menu, I don't think I'll be able to read the
output.  The screen shot shows the result of <help>/<about Xastir>,
which is unreadable.  I don't think it is a matter of map labels,
however, because almost all text is affected.

Checking the package manager, xorg-x11-fonts, xorg-x11-fonts-core, and
xorg-x11-fonts-devel are all installed.  The first one wasn't
initially, and I had a font error in the terminal at that time, but
after installed it, the error message went away.  The display is
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