On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 5:08 PM, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
>> I have Xastir running under OpenSuSE-11.0, upgraded from a 10.0
>> system.  It has the usual problem with the OpenMotif slider widgets
>> not being labeled (known Motif bug), but other than that it looks
>> good.  My fonts are fine.
>> I upgraded it using the "Network" CD.  That's much nicer now in 11.0
>> as you don't have to do any hand configuration of the remote
>> repositories...  Everything is automatically configured.
> I should have said:  "Except for having to add the ham radio
> repository."
> Also, I compiled Xastir from sources.  I didn't try the pre-compiled
> version from the repository.

Hmm, now I think I should try the 2.3 Motif version - I can live with
the slider menu issue vs. no text on any menus.  I didn't try the
pre-compiled Xastir version, either, (and now it appears from other
messages that it was not built with imagemagick or graphicsmagick) but
that may be an interesting thing to try just to see what the fonts
look like.

Yeah, my first venture into openSUSE was about a year ago with 10.2. I
did a clean install into VMware with the "Network" CD image, and I
remember all the manual entry of repositories.  I'm glad it's better
now.  For 11.0, I did a clean install using the KDE live CD, and it's
native Linux - no Windows/VMware.  On 11.0 are you using KDE or Gnome,
and if KDE, is it 4.0?  Mine is on KDE 4.0.  I'm thinking the font
issue may be related to KDE 4.0 and/or some kind of desktop efffects
or 3D settings.

Lee - K5DAT
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