On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Gerry Creager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, you're an old unix hack.  I learned to adapt to KDE, then they
> overbloated it.  FVWM2 is looking better and better.
> Curt, WE7U wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, Lee Bengston wrote:
>>> Yeah, my first venture into openSUSE was about a year ago with 10.2. I
>>> did a clean install into VMware with the "Network" CD image, and I
>>> remember all the manual entry of repositories.  I'm glad it's better
>>> now.  For 11.0, I did a clean install using the KDE live CD, and it's
>>> native Linux - no Windows/VMware.  On 11.0 are you using KDE or Gnome,
>>> and if KDE, is it 4.0?  Mine is on KDE 4.0.  I'm thinking the font
>>> issue may be related to KDE 4.0 and/or some kind of desktop efffects
>>> or 3D settings.
>> I guess you'd call me an old Unix hack:  I don't much like KDE or
>> Gnome, so I use FVWM2.  I like the system to _jump_ when I click a
>> mouse, not take it's time dilly-dallying around.

Hey, you old unix hacks are still admitting that you use a window manager.   :-)

I looked at FVWM2 on their web site - some interesting screen shots -
given the variance in looks, I assume it is highly customizable
(especially by unix hacks that know what they are doing).  I've been
playing with a Xastir virtual machine using AntiX 7.2, which by
default uses Fluxbox as the WM.  The more I use it, the more I like it
- definitely a far cry from KDE.
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