On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 6:35 PM, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:
>> I'm looking to test another fix for the font problem.
> Tested, fixed, committed to CVS.
> After an upgrade from SuSE 10.3 to 11.0, this laptop ended up with
> boxes instead of text showing on all the Xastir menus.  Main.c has
> been tweaked to fix that problem.
> It turns out we had no default system font selected, so we got
> whatever the system decided we should have.  Xastir selects one now,
> plus the small/large system fonts selected via defines in main.c
> have been tweaked to work well.

1) downgraded back to motif 2.2.4, rebuilt with the same CVS download
from last Friday, and the boxes were back - no readable menus.
2) did a cvs update with Curt's tweak, rebuilt, and presto, menu fonts
look fine.  They look a bit bigger, but no complaints here.

Now menus are readable, and there's no slider menu problem, either.  Bravo.

Lee - K5DAT
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