Hi Lee....was interested in d/l and trying this out BUT cant get a connect to the URL supplied....just stops nothing happens...at least from this part of the world...

73 David VK4BDJ

Lee Bengston wrote:

I thought I would share a pre-built Xastir virtual machine that uses
antiX, which is a Debian based distribution (a lightweight version of
Mepis).  If anyone cares to be a guinea pig, the link to download it
is available via http://www.175moonlight.com/xastir/antix.php. There
is also some documentation posted there.

I admit I have not tested this VM with any TNC's yet, but I have had
good luck with other VM's that were built the same way with VMware
server.  This VM uses a recent CVS build that includes the nice font
enhancements that Curt WE7U recently added.  Like the Xubuntu virtual
machine that is referenced in the Wiki, this one is built with
"everything except GDAL and Festival".  It is set to use 192MB of RAM
as is, which is changeable as documented in the notes.


Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
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