If any of you have been wondering why you've not been getting into the APRS-IS Core servers with reports, or weather, we made a change last weekend.

In one of the poorest times I think I've ever picked for a server change, we changed all 3 Core servers to align with what the Tier2 folks decided to do several months ago: Require all connections be verified. I refer the interested student to the 'callpass' program for "How do I find a passcode" questions.

The purpose? To push forward the separation of CWOP and APRS-IS traffic. CWOP now has its own servers and they're really doing nicely. APRS-IS has its own, comprising the Core and the Tier2 folks, and several others. Last January, as a consequence of Davis Instruments selling a bunch of weather stations, we saw a spike in Packets/sec on the APRS-IS servers (hosting CWOP), with poor performance, dropped connections and dropped packets and other server-overload problems.After a bit of analysis it became obvious that the frequency of updates, and the predisposition of weather to align themselves with other stations for observations every 5 min or so, was slamming our APRS-IS servers.

We found some volunteers to run dedicated CWOP servers and stabilized the Core server situation after some potential problems, and started the painful process of getting CWOP members (non-hams, that is) to move over to the cwop.aprs.net rotation, and the Hams to connect to rotate.aprs.net as before

FindU connects to all the APRS-IS Core and all the CWOP servers to gather its data. The backup FindU server does the same thing. There's a CWOP aggregation server that does the same thing, again.

If anyone wants to see all weather stations on a map (think "Sea of Blue") they can point Xastir toward cwop.tamu.edu Port 30001 and see the stations pop up.

Questions? Comments?
Thanks, Gerry
Gerry Creager -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University        
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.862.3983
Office: 1700 Research Parkway Ste 160, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843
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