Ok, running the very latest that was available in CVS, my copy locked up after 
a few days of running with the NWS gif map of my local radar.

So I poked around and apparently what happened was that Xastir used up all the 
free RAM in the system.  Killing off the process releases almost 30 MB of  RAM. 
 The system has 512 MB total, with Xastir freshly restarted there's 28 MB free. 
 Swap is 512 MB as well but most of it was free while Xastir was stuck.

Top showed Xastir as the largest memory footprint in the system when it got 
stuck.  Barely any CPU was being used but quite a bit of RAM.

Any ideas why the memory consumption would keep creeping up with the GIF raster 
map?  The only other map is a Tiger but I've run one of the tilers on the Tiger 
maps so the maps are quite small and I'm zoomed in to 256 (two full states and 
a few pieces of neighboring states).  The Tiger files currently loaded are 
state borders and county lines.

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