1) Should the "Xastir Documentation" link on the main Xastir page be
labeled "Xastir WIKI" instead?  I think it'd be more descriptive.

2) On the Xastir Wiki main page I see:

    # HowTo's (Specific installation info)
    # Installation Notes (Specific installation info)

That's confusing.  I'd like to see these combined, or else move the
system-specific installation notes from "HowTo's" over to
"Installation Notes".

Make sense?  Anyone want to take care of that?

3) I requested the text for our Maps Wiki page from WA7NWP which he
promptly sent me (Thanks Bill!), so our Maps Wiki page is back but
on our Wiki now instead of his.  When the page was originally
created we didn't have our own Wiki.  The new page is here and
linked to from our main Wiki page:


It could probably use some updating.

4) Somebody did a very nice job of replicating my "Xastir SAR
Features" page from Eskimo.com/Wetnet.net in our Wiki, so I've
linked that in to a couple of the Wiki pages as well and will retire
my original web pages eventually.  The new page is here:


and linked into the main Wiki page and the Major_Features Wiki page.

5) The Major_Features page contains a bunch of downloadable maps
links.  Perhaps some or all of these should be moved to the
Xastir_Maps page?  Perhaps the pages should reference each other?

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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