Teh configure output showed it found the curl components. wget was in /opt/local/bin, so I symlinked it into /usr/bin. Still no joy. Just for the heck of it, I recompiled, (found curl components, said it'd do map downloads with libcurl), and it now loads the tigermaps. Mongo not understand. I changed not a thing, except time coordinates. Now I et tigermap timeouts when I try to go for the US map. That I can live with.

Guess it's time to snarf 1.9.4 and see what it does. I'm still not 100% comfortable with this Mac stuff. But it ain't Vista!!!

Thanks, guys!!!


Bob Nielsen wrote:

On Sep 5, 2008, at 9:08 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, Bob Nielsen wrote:

Apparently xastir won't look for wget if curl is installed.

If curl and curl-devel are installed and functional, then yes, it
probably skips looking for wget.  Similar functionality for
GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick:  Xastir will prefer GM if graphicsmagick
and graphicsmagick-devel are installed.

If it can't find the development headers for a library, it isn't
able to compile in support for that library.

As to wget:  Configure only has to find the executable and not any
development headers.  Perhaps on the Mac it is installed in a
non-standard place where configure doesn't look for it.

I have the macports versions of both curl and wget installed. The curl development headers are included as part of the basic install (macports builds the packages from source). The wget package is a binary without any headers.

Bob, N7XY

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