On Sun, 7 Sep 2008, Keith Kaiser wrote:

Thanks David and Kevin, I do wish I could track multiple and zoom to fit and have used the tactical call method suggested by Kevin. Unfortunately that really doesn't work for a bike ride but thank you anyway, and I sure hope the guys are having a great time in Washington.

Yep we did!

The tactical callsign thing works great for special events.  For
tracking individual stations the best I can suggest is to set up one
Xastir as the "master" station, with the "Server Ports" enabled
(Interface menu).  You can track one station on that and zoom to
taste, or keep that one as the "overall view" map.

Start up another Xastir using the "-c /path/dir" flag on the
command-line, and connect it to the master instance (localhost port
2023).  Set that one up to track a station.  Repeat (with a
different path for each running instance).  You'll have to configure
each of those new Xastir sessions as they'll be starting with a
clean default config file the first time you run them.

I did this sort of thing for the Seattle Marathon plus set up a
script to start up the various Xastir sessions in the right
directories and such.  That way if I lost power or anything went
wrong, I could easily/quickly get back to the same configuration.

    xastir &
    xastir -c /home/archer/.xastir2 &
    xastir -c /home/archer/.xastir3 &


Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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