Tom Russo wrote:
As long as the curmudgeon driving the "initiatives" is actively initiativizing,
there will always be a lag behind the "core" and definitive implementation.

But that's exactly what I'm getting at. The spec is in such bad shape, that a well-developed, well-documented and open implementation of the spec could *become* the spec. If the aprslib was tight enough to cross-compile on the small processors that the hardware-oriented guys use, I think it would be a sure thing.

Yeah, I'm suggesting a revolution. But not regicide! A constitutional monarchy is fine with me. A solid, universal aprs library could be that constitution. I'm all for curmudgeons and initiatives and "benevolent dictators for life" - but their "wild hairs" have to be subject to some kind of due process.

I'd go as far as thinking the library should be LGPL.  BSD and MIT are good
licenses for some purposes, but the idea of allowing a closed-source fork is not one I think most Xastir developers will be happy with.

As it stands now, APRS is nothing but a bunch of forks off of the amorphous spec, and Xastir is just one of those forks! I'm no licensing expert, just looking for the best way to unite the aprs world. It can be license XYZ as long as 1) the community controls the definitive implementation, and 2) everyone else can build on top however they like.

  --Jeff, N0JUH

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