If you set up your windoz box for VNC, you can actually do just that.

I have a computer, though it is running Linux, at the ham station. I can set up and run xastir and other programs like fldigi from my laptop while in the living room, and transmit/receive digital modes. I can move to the bedroom, and not disconnect. I can even sit outside on the porch and operate, and still switch over to xastir to see it's display when wanted.

There are several versions for windoz available, and you just set up a few parameters and then you can connect.

Steve Friis
Amateur Call WM5Z
APRS WM5Z-1 Las Cruces Igate | APRS WM5Z-2 Home | APRS WM5Z-3 RV | APRS WM5Z-15 

These are the humble rantings of an El Viejo Pedoro (old fart) and in no way 
should they influence the actions of any intelligent and sane person.

Harold Hartley wrote:
I'm just wondering if I ran xastir on my linux box, can I connect to my linux box with my windows laptop over wireless network and see the graphics on my laptop like I would if I was sitting in front of my linux box.

I'm curious about this as my linux box is not within my reach when I'm in bed, but I use my winXP laptop when in bed and want to do my xastir over it.

Please let me know if this is possible..

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