On Mon, 27 Oct 2008, Keith Kaiser wrote:

Most (not all) of the times when I STOP an INTERFACE Xastir itself quits. Because I launch Xastir via my X11 windows environment on Mac OSX I don't know much about turning on the various logging capabilities of it. What would the launch look like in the Unix environment to turn on logging so I can investigate why this problem happens?

Bring up an Xterm, inside that type:

    xastir -v 4095 &

which will turn on all of the debugging bits.  You can also turn on
debugging from inside Xastir but that won't help you if you don't
start it from an Xterm to begin with.

You can also do this:

    (xastir -v 4095 2>&1) | tee run.log

Which will then pipe all of STDERR and STDOUT into the file
run.log, as well as dumping it to your screen.

What kind of interface is causing this, USB?  What version of
Xastir?  Anything in your system logs?  For Linux a good place to
look is /var/log/messages, don't know about Mac's but some system
logs should probably be down under /var/adm/ or /var/log/ as well.

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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