On 1 June 2012 15:15, Cory Fields <the...@xbmc.org> wrote:

> Hi Wyrm
> About time for eden! ;)

Cory, sorry for the late reply, just got back from a long weekend with the

> A few nags:
> - jpegs for _screenshots please

Sorry fixed in svn 656

> - 720p/script.pseudotv.TVOverlay.xml - invalid. Needs encoding indicator.

Not sure what you mean by this, but discovered an illegal chararcter in
this file.  Fixed the illegal character and now notepad++ tells me that the
file is a compliant xml file.  Fix is svn 567, is this now OK?

> - extras/themes empty on purpose?

Yes, kind of sorta.  Removed the last remaining script from within the skin
(theme downloader), but have left code in the skin to allow the user to add
the script back if they really must.  If it causes no problems could we
just leave the extras/theme directory in place to make it easier on the one
or two people that want the function?

> Looks ok to me other than those.
Thank you, that is heartening to hear.  Please advise if you spot any other

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