Hi !

Sorry for the delay. But now it is added to Transifex:

Now language files will arrive here regularly:

You can easily download them with xbm-langdload tool:

command to use:

xbmc-langdload.exe xbmc-skins/skin.simplicity your\local\dir

xbmc-langdload xbmc-skins/skin.simplicity your/local/dir

Please note that for windows you need to have write access to the directory
you are using. Also run the command terminal in admin mode.

Cheers, Attila

2013/8/20 Philippe Roy <borg...@yahoo.ca>

> Hello, not sure if it's the way to do it, but I'd like to "host"
> language file on transifex. So here's the info linking to the Simplicity
> skin language file:
> *addon - skin.simplicity
> *httpurl -
> https://code.google.com/p/simplicity-xbmc-mod/source/browse/trunk/language/English/strings.xml
> *xbmc version - Frodo
> *upstream langs - English
> Hope it's OK!
> Thank you!
> Philippe Roy (Balinus)
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